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Whore Page 7

  “Next time just leave my clothes on.” Standing up I didn’t meet his eyes and walked over to the coffee service. Pouring myself a cup I heard his deep sensual laugh and it resounded in that part of my body that only he seemed to have a line too.

  “Perhaps you should moderate your alcohol intake and not allow there to be a next time. Besides I do believe you owe me a night of pleasure Miss Burns and I expect to see much more than I uncovered last night.”

  “You’re not seriously expecting me to honor that bet?” My heart fell into my stomach and I almost dropped my drink. I was so screwed right now because I couldn’t just walk away from this job without the money I’d planned to earn last night.

  I waited for his answer while holding my breath and when none came I turned walking back to the living area. He was standing only a few inches away and my heart raced. Biting my lip hard I looked up into his fathomless eyes terrified and excited at the same time.

  The smile that stretched over his beautiful face was almost that of a predator and my breath caught. “Tell me you don’t want to please me Miss Burns and I’ll call off the wager.”

  Lie. That’s what my subconscious was screaming at me as my knees weakened and I felt sensations moving through my body that left no doubt in my mind that I did want something from him. I had no idea how to please a man like him and the safest thing I could do was bow out before he destroyed my heart.

  “I think your eyes say it all Miss Burns. That and the flush on your cheeks and the way you’re clenching your thighs together. But I want to hear the words from that pretty little mouth. Do you want me?”

  I couldn’t breathe. Forcing my eyes from his I lowered them and tried to find some semblance of reason. As much as I didn’t want to say the words, I wanted this man more than I wanted the air.

  His large hand tangled in my hair and pulled my head back almost painfully. “Answer me! The softly spoken demand told me he wasn’t going to allow me to keep quiet and I whimpered softly, looking anywhere but at him. “Tell me.” His voice was whisper quiet and I broke.

  Nodding I muttered the words that were guaranteed to haunt me long after his plans for me were finished. “I want you.” The words barely filtered through the air they were spoken so softly but there they were. Out there for his ears and damning my soul because I knew he wouldn’t let me take them back.

  chapter Eight


  He released me so suddenly that I almost lost my balance. I don’t know what I expected after admitting my needs but him walking back to the couch and picking up his coffee cup definitely wasn’t anywhere on the list. “Join me.”

  Wasn’t he supposed to jump me or drag me back to his bed after my affirmation? That’s how it always played out in the movies. Instead I found myself sitting down on the couch beside him trembling.

  “There are things you should know about me before we take this any further.” He spoke like he was conducting a business interview and not some night of sexual pleasure that he expected me to fulfill his needs for.

  “What things?” Why was I asking him that instead of packing my shit and running out the front door like any sane person might have done? The truth was I did want this man, even if it was only for one night. I had no idea how I’d work with him after or even if I could please him like our wager inferred. None of that mattered. Last night I’d been ready to run back home with my tail tucked between my legs and here I was now sitting on the couch waiting for him to explain his needs.

  “What I’m about to explain to you never leaves this room. You are going to give me your verbal consent now.” The look he gave me was so fierce that I found myself nodding. “Use words. I want to know that we’re on the same page.”

  “I promise not to share what you’re about to tell me with anyone.” I hoped like hell he wasn’t about to tell me he did something illegal because I wasn’t sure that was a promise I could keep. Tensing I stared at him wordlessly waiting for him to drop whatever secret he was about to reveal.

  “You can relax Miss Burns. My secrets have harmed no one I’m just a very private person.” He chuckled softly as I exhaled deeply. “What I want may make you less relaxed.” His eyes probed mine and he seemed to be looking for something. I couldn’t hold his gaze and quickly lowered my eyes to my lap.

  “I want to tie you up and do wicked things with your body.”

  Holy shit maybe I should have taken my chances earlier and ran. “What kind of wicked things?” Why was I even asking him this question? Maybe because the thought of him doing them really left me aching in places I wasn’t even fully aware had needs before.

  “Things that will make you come so hard you’ll wonder why you never thought about doing them before. I meant it when I said I wanted you to embrace your inner whore Miss Burns. I can teach you things that will make you long for what only I can give.”

  I sat there with my mouth hanging open in stunned silence. In my mind I tried to imagine what things he could possibly do to me and came up completely blank. “How can you pleasing me actually please you? I thought you said you wanted pleasure?” I asked the only question that formed in my mind as I tried to understand what he wanted.

  “Oh believe me Miss Burns I’ll get what I want. Using those sexy lips the way they were intended, making your body crave my touch, and demanding all your senses focus on nothing more than the ache between those sexy legs. You’ll surrender your entire body to my needs. That is something I’ll find more than pleasing.”

  I was panting at the picture he painted in my mind and overwhelmed was putting it lightly. “You can make all that happen in one night?” I was riding the crazy train by even considering this scenario but the thought was definitely turning me on.

  “I’ll take one night if that’s all you’ll give, but I hope to make your body ache for me so much you’ll agree for much longer.”

  “I thought you didn’t do relationships?” What was I missing here because if he wanted this to last more than one night it obviously meant something else?

  “It won’t be a relationship. You will surrender all control to me and I’ll use your body until I feel that you’ve given me all I need.”

  What he was offering went against everything I believed in and more shockingly was the idea of how much I wanted to give in. He was right. If I agreed to his offer I would essentially become his whore and how dirty did that make me feel?

  I stood up and paced across the living area knowing if I had any common sense I’d turn down this insane offer even if I risked being homeless to do it. That’s what my mind was telling me. My body was on a completely different page. The thought of letting him do wicked things to me left an odd thrum of pleasure and anticipation making my knees almost weak.

  “How do you know I’ll like what you have in mind?” Whore. My subconscious screamed at me demanding I stop thinking between my legs. Curious. I shouted back mentally wondering why the whole world seemed to be so fascinated with sex and wanting to form my own opinion personally hand delivered by Taylor. Men in little white jackets, that’s what anyone would say who overheard my mental conversation at the moment.

  “Because I know a woman’s body and yours is screaming to surrender your will to mine.”

  Without even knowing I’d done it, my ankles had crossed and I was squeezing my thighs together to ease the ache that left me vulnerable. I immediately uncrossed and began pacing nervously, aware of how wet I was and flushing.

  “I can ease that ache or maybe amplify it until I feel you deserve to be satisfied.” He sat back on the couch, his arm resting causally across the back telling me without words he knew he’d already won.

  Deserve to be satisfied? What did that mean? The man wanted to tie me up and do things that I didn’t even fully understand. It finally dawned on me what he truly was. I’d read enough books and heard enough about the topic of BDSM from all the recent public fascination on the subject that I was surprised I didn’t catch it earlier. “You’re a s

  Saying the words out loud I cringed. The idea of being hurt didn’t appeal to me in the least in fact keeping myself safe was my life goal. There was no one else in my life willing to look out for me, so I’d make it my priority. Wrapping my arms around myself I glared at him demanding he admit what a real pervert he was.

  “I don’t find pleasure in inflicting pain on women, Miss Ross. Quite the opposite I assure you.” He seemed amused which left me staring at him in confusion. “Granted I enjoy light bondage, but only because I feel it helps allow my partner to release the preconceived notions of what is expected in society. What I want from you doesn’t require humiliation or punishments.”

  “But if I’m tied up how do I know you’ll stop if something isn’t, um pleasurable.” My face burned at the question and I rested my eyes on the floor again.

  “Well Miss Burns I think you’ve proven on numerous occasions that you have no problem speaking. You open your mouth and tell me.” The soft chuckle that filled the room had my eyes flying back to his entirely too handsome face and he grew serious. “It doesn’t mean I will though. What you think your body craves doesn’t always correlate with what the mind considers acceptable.”

  How could I agree to this? If I allowed him to tie me up he’d made it known that even if I told him to stop it was his decision whether or not to release me. What if he did things that hurt me without him thinking it would? I was still a virgin, not that I had any intention of discussing that with him at the moment. There was no way I could allow this to go any further.

  “You’re overthinking this Laura. I give you my word that all I want is to give pleasure.” He stood up and walked over behind me, his hands resting on my shoulders. They were so tense I wasn’t sure I’d ever relax again.

  He’d used my name again. I wasn’t sure why that affected me so deeply but between that and the massage he was now giving I was tempted to just say yes. His hands felt so oddly comforting even as my mind was reeling from what he wanted from me. “No insertion.” The words just fell from my lips as if I were trying to find a way to allow him his will without giving him the opportunity to cause me pain.

  He lowered his mouth to my ear and I almost melted into him. “Of any kind?” God he was trying to tempt me and I knew a part of me wanted him to win and it terrified me.

  I shook my head almost moaning when his hands stopped the gentle caress. Was he changing his mind? I didn’t want him to. I didn’t want to part with my secret though so I couldn’t give in. Tensing, I felt like my entire life hung on the balance of what he decided.

  “I won’t fuck you until you beg.” He conceded and began squeezing my shoulders again. “But what about my tongue?” To emphasize his words his tongue flicked over my earlobe before sucking gently.

  Inhaling deeply I fought for control and found none. “I guess that would be fine.” The thought of where he was planning on using that unfair weapon of his made my heart race wildly.

  “And your mouth? I want to fuck those beautiful lips and for that to happen I’ll have to break your rule.” His hand moved around my front to cup my breast through the bathrobe and my nipples tightened instantly. The sensation was almost painful I was so aroused.

  I strained against that large hand and nodded, knowing that at the moment I’d break all my rules if he just continued what he was doing. Instead of granting my wish, his hands dropped without warning untying the sash of my robe.

  I gasped as it fell upon and covered my breasts with my hands. I felt more exposed than I had ever felt before and wanted to close it until his hand grazed lightly over my stomach and continued until he was cupping my sex. Only the thin panties I wore separated his hand from my flesh.

  “Fingers?” He rubbed his thumb over the slit of my sex lightly and I cried out softly at the waves of pleasure his touch gave.

  “Oh please.” He increased the pressure with one hand grasping my hip with the other keeping our bodies pressed together.

  “I intend to please you. So yes to fingers?”

  He wasn’t fighting fair and my head rested back on his shoulder as those well practiced digits continued to stroke in just the right way. “Yes.” The word escaped on a rush of air as his thumb pressed hard against my clit and without warning I came undone instantly.

  The man had barely touched me and I was already unravelling. He turned me in his arms and pulled my hands from my breasts. Shivering I watched his eyes take in the sight and the look in his eyes made me ache again. “So fucking beautiful.” His words were spoken almost in reverence and I knew I was lost.

  “We’ve established that I won’t fuck you until you beg and I can use my fingers and tongue however I choose. Now I have a few of my own terms.” His familiar smirk was back and I shivered at the coolness of being so exposed.

  I reached for the lapels on my robe and he shook his head. “Don’t cover your body from me. I enjoy the view and would prefer to see even more of it. For now this will do.” He reached for the robe, sliding it from my shoulders to pool on the floor.

  Motioning toward the couch he sat and it took everything I had in me not to grab it back up and instead force my legs to walk in just my panties to sit down with him again. My fingers bit into the leather to keep from crossing over my chest as his gaze moved over me.

  The thrill of seeing the pleasure looking at me gave him almost made up for the embarrassment I felt. It’s just fatty flesh, I told myself over and over again trying desperately to not feel so exposed.

  “My terms are simple Miss Burns. When we are alone I expect you to be undressed and be willing to let me do whatever I choose to bring you pleasure at any given time. If I ask you to pleasure my body the same rules apply. No questions asked. On that note I will never ask you to do anything in public unless I know that our privacy is assured.”

  Holy shit. He was planning on doing things to me in public tonight? I wasn’t sure I could really go along with that. Obviously he didn’t want to be on the front page of the tabloids because of his business reputation, but in public? Think Laura, think. What could he really do in a public place that people wouldn’t notice? That reassurance made me nod.

  “I need you to speak your words. Consider it another term I’m setting forth.” His tone had moved from sensual, mocking, and now stern. Even his eyes were cold as he waited on me to comply with his wishes.

  “I agree.” I managed a whisper but if he wanted more I didn’t think I could give it. My mind was still reeling at sitting here partially nude as we had a conversation that overwhelmed me in ways I couldn’t explain.

  Instantly his expression softened and he stood to his imposing height. “Good. Then I think my first order of business is getting you ready. Let’s move to the bathroom.” He walked away and I assumed he expected me to follow. I managed to find my feet but as I followed him my mind was in a daze.

  chapter Nine

  Clean Slate

  He adjusted the water for the shower and I stood there on the cool tile longing to cover myself again. To stop myself from doing that I rocked from one foot to the other and clenched my hands by my sides. Without pretense he demanded softly that I lose the panties.

  Did he wink at me? I was floored at the simple gesture but it was so quick and he was rambling through drawers pulling out things while I had a nervous breakdown. I wasn’t sure I could just bare my ass to him. The light in the bathroom certainly didn’t offer any compassion. I knew every flaw I had would be visible.

  His arms were full of items when he turned back to me. Shaking his head he placed them on the side of the tub then glanced down at the underwear I was still wearing. “Either take them off or tell me you’ve changed your mind.”

  I bit my lip hard and somehow managed to slide the small scrap of silk down my legs then stepped out of them. I was shaking so badly that I wrapped my arms around my waist to calm myself.

  His arms folded me into his embrace and held me tightly. The small sign of compassion made me feel less
lost than I had giving in to his demand. “You’re a beautiful woman Miss Burns and it pleases me greatly to look at the view.”

  Releasing me, he reached down and grabbed a plastic hairclip. With startling efficiency he pulled my long curly locks into a simple flip making me feel even more exposed to his eyes than I already was. “Step in.”

  The steamy water streamed over my sensitized flesh and for a brief moment I felt some since of normalcy. That lasted long enough to notice he was stripping off his own clothes and my eyes were able to concede that he didn’t stuff his pants.

  I wasn’t sure why but my eyes had immediately been drawn to his huge shaft and I was mentally thanking myself for demanding him not to have sex with me. The rest of his body was almost painfully beautiful and it made me feel self-conscious once again about my own.

  Was it even fair that the man was like perusing a living walk of art? Broad shoulders gave way to powerful biceps that made my fingers long to trace them or be wrapped in an embrace. His smooth chest and artfully sculpted abs enhanced the strength of his persona and were almost breathtaking Long legs forced my gaze down to his feet and proved you could judge a man by his shoe size.

  I felt consumed by the masculinity of him, my head swimming in the knowledge that somehow this god of male virility wanted me. Finally my eyes found his beautiful face and the look of desire in those eyes along with the supreme confidence written upon it was a heady drug in itself.

  “Hands on your head Miss Burns.” His full lips lifted in a slight smile as he spoke and without thought I immediately complied.

  “Such a good girl.”

  I felt overwhelmed by him. My breath caught and held as his hands whispered over my collarbone, traced over my breasts and spanned my quivering abdomen. The water splaying over me along with his touch was almost too much. Ignoring that part of me that was aching to be touched, he continued downward. His hands gained knowledge of my thighs with a touch that was so slight had I not been so attuned to him I might have not felt at all.