Whore Read online

Page 6

  “Indeed.” His muffled response is curious, but I’m so enthralled at finally seeing this that I don’t bother dwelling on it. “We need to prepare for our meeting tonight.”

  Just like that the peaceful feelings evaporate and I barely give a nod as he leads me back down to the waiting car. I was glad I got to sightsee a little today and I knew that this was probably the last time I’d get to New York for a while. My plans for the immediate future involved hard work and struggling to pay bills, but hopefully one day I’d be able to view all these places I could only dream about right now.

  chapter Seven


  We went our separate ways after entering the penthouse and I prepared for the biggest job of my life. I’d called Ashley earlier for advice and she’d been very unhelpful. She thought leaving a great job because I felt uncomfortable was irrational even though she promised to talk to the coffee house manager about getting my position back. Ashley and Jimmy had been a couple since ninth grade so I doubted she could understand what I was dealing with.

  After a hot shower that I thought would help my nerves I found myself feeling even more anxious. Could I really play the seductress in hopes of winning this stupid bet? If I wanted that new start I would do exactly that, I told my reflection in the steamy bathroom mirror.

  What I didn’t have in knowledge, I would have to make up for in appearance. I just hoped it would be enough. With that thought in mind I dried my long, blonde tresses then straightened out the almost waist length curls with a hot iron. I applied my makeup artfully thanks to the lessons from the spa, then walked into the bedroom donning the new silk thong that supposedly wouldn’t show a line in the dress I was wearing.

  Sliding them over my just shaved legs, I had to admit how smooth the material felt against my skin. Pulling the dress from the closet I shook my head removing the outrageous price tag. The bright red silk shimmered in my hands and I felt it couldn’t be a more appropriate color for the feat I was attempting tonight.

  I stepped into the garment and almost sighed at how it hugged my waist perfectly then slid to my ankles in soft folds. The back of the dress was non-existent and not wearing a bra was making me a little nervous. Since the front of the dress was halter type and showed off more cleavage than I thought legal, I almost changed my mind about choosing it.

  Glancing into a full length mirror inside the closet I bit my lip nervously. If I wanted to seduce a man this was definitely the outfit to do it in. Inhaling deeply I made the decision to wear it. Sliding into three inch, black heels I hoped I didn’t bust my ass tonight and completely ruin the effect I hoped the dress would have.

  Trying not to do just that I walked into the living room and waited for Taylor to join me. The look in his eyes was almost worth the embarrassment I felt at being so exposed.

  “Miss Burns you don’t play fair.” Why the hell was he smirking at me again? When his eyes moved toward my breasts I wanted to safety-pin the all too provocative straps together that showed off entirely too much cleavage. That lingering gaze of his made me tremble and that was enough to get my head back in the game. Taking a deep breath my eyes aimed for my feet as I attempted to gain control over the heat pooling in my belly that his perusal created.

  The evident arousal that met my eyes as my head lowered was shocking. Instead of embarrassing me, it gave a heady sense of power. For a moment I wondered if he stuffed his pants and then my cheeks did turn bright red. Needing to gain back some ground I allowed my smart ass mouth to come to the rescue.

  “Judging from your reaction getting Mr. Morale’s to give in should be no problem.” I turned my back on him knowing I’d never be able to look him in the eye after my bold put down.

  “Little girl I think I might have to increase the stakes.”

  Another challenge? I was barely holding on as it was. “Just be ready to hand over five grand when this night is done.” Then all this would be over, I told myself. Why the thought left me feeling bereft I’d consider later. Much later, I thought as his arm entwined with mine leading me out of the room.

  His deep, low chuckle didn’t help my nerves in the least and I still had some old man to seduce. He waited until we stepped into the elevator to speak again. Pressing the button for the ground floor he turned back with a shit-eating grin on his face. “I hope you’re ready to please me when this farce is over. I think we both know you’re longing for it.”

  As if on cue my body betrayed me and I felt the dampness flood my core. Why his words turned me on so much was a mystery but one that I was damn sure unwilling to explore. Taylor Ross was dangerous to my well-being and if there was one thing I valued above all things, it was self-preservation.

  We didn’t speak at all during the drive to our location and not knowing where he was taking me was almost as unnerving as sitting in such close proximity to him. The man didn’t follow any rules, instead of putting on his own seatbelt he crowded my space and pressed his thigh against mine.

  Instead of calling him out on his outrageous tactics I tensed and prepared for the longest ride of my life. My body felt so tightly strung I was ready to scream by the time we pulled up in front of a high-rise similar to the one we’d just left.

  The name on this building was very familiar to me and thoughts of his reality business show played through my memories. I was so far out of my league that what little confidence I did have took a nose dive and I ached to remain firmly attached to the expensive leather seat as the door was opened.

  It dawned on me that Taylor was leading me into a world of power and games that were played with more money than I’d ever hope to dream about. It was a far cry from socializing with customers at the coffee shop and I doubted I would be anything but an enigma to these kinds of people. I nibbled on my lip nervously feeling an insecurity that had my head bowed.

  “While your lips are lovely and I’m sure the red carpet is interesting, I do believe we have a little wager to consider.” His mocking humor pulled me out of my self-pity and filled me with a fire I wasn’t aware I possessed.

  So what if these assholes had money, they probably never worked a day in their life for anything. Lifting my chin I stared ahead and pulled my shoulders back. They still got out of bed and put their clothes on the same way I did, and screw them if they didn’t think I was worthy enough to be in their company.

  “Good girl.” Was that respect I heard in his voice? I didn’t have time to think about that as I was led into a room full of faces that I’d only seen before in the tabloids.

  With a smile pasted on my face I nodded and spoke politely while being introduced to some of the most important people in the business world. Champagne was being handed out by uniformed servers and Taylor snagged two glasses, passing one over to me.

  For a moment I worried about getting in trouble for underage drinking but then I remembered where I was. I took the glass and drank deeply, knowing I’d need the liquid courage to go through with my plans tonight. Glancing around at the beautiful women surrounding me I wasn’t sure I had a chance anymore.

  Accepting defeat was not an option though, and when I recognized the face of Mr. Morale’s I knew I couldn’t back down. “Introduce me to him.” My voice sounded demanding but it was really nerves pushing me to get this deed done.

  “So eager, Miss Burns.” Even Taylor’s mocking laugh wasn’t going to pull me away from my endeavor. I gave a brief nod of my head and he gave that all too familiar smirk, leading me toward my conquest.

  Mr. Morales’ fit his photo to a tee and I smiled warmly as introductions were made, trying to fight off the nervousness that I felt inwardly. His moist, meaty palm clasped my hand a little too tightly and I had to mentally force myself not to recoil.

  “Resorting to bribery now Mr. Ross?” Mr. Morales’ still hadn’t released my hand and the look in his sinister almond eyes made me nauseous as he stared at Taylor.

  “I wouldn’t dream of that, but perhaps you and my lovely assistant would like to get better
acquainted.” If I didn’t know better I would swear that Taylor was trying to help me win this bet. If that wasn’t encouragement then what was?

  “I’d be delighted to get to know her better.” His stubby finger rubbed over the top of my hand and his eyes seemed to tell me that seducing him would be one of the easiest things I’d ever done. The whole situation made me feel dirty but remembering my role I batted my eyelashes at him and smiled suggestively.

  “Then I’ll leave you in her more than capable hands.” Taylor spoke the words with a sensual undertone and lowered his lips to my cheek to plant a soft kiss. “Enjoy yourself.”

  My cheek still burned from the impersonal gesture and I forced my eyes to Mr. Morale’s face instead of following the man that left my heart racing with such a simple gesture. “Are you enjoying your evening?” I needed to get my head back with the plan and simple conversation seemed a good place to start.

  “My dear I must say that boredom was overwhelming me until this very moment.” Oh my freaking hell, the old man was flirting with me! Swallowing down the bile in my throat I grinned broadly acting as if my IQ had slipped a couple dozen places.

  “You are such a flatterer. How did a man as handsome as you manage to be here all alone.” That was like putting the cheese in cheesiness but obviously Mr. Morales’ didn’t mind at all since his chubby face broke into a huge smile.

  “A man in my position rarely has time to worry about his social calendar my dear. But for once I’m glad I don’t have a date. Now I have a beautiful young woman by my side.” Maybe I wasn’t giving the cheesiest lines because Mr. Morales’ seemed to be well versed in his own.

  I racked my mind with conversation ideas, having no idea what a man like him would want to discuss. I decided to focus on his business. “I’m new to the world of business what exactly is it you do?” I acted as if my entire life hung on the expectation of his next words when I really wanted to pull away as his arm gripped my waist leading me around the crowded room.

  For the next half hour he explained, and might I say in great detail, the background of his company. I knew more about real estate properties overseas than I’d ever cared to know but I forced myself to act as if he were the most interesting man on the planet.

  Several glasses of champagne were imbibed and my head was feeling light with the sensation. Fanning my face as it heated all I could think about was taking a breath of fresh air. The room was filled with a hundred different fragrances that seemed to be overwhelming now that I’d allowed myself to drink a little too much.

  “Would you mind stepping out for some air?” I glanced toward the balcony in longing hoping that a few minutes of the cool night air might clear my head.

  “Nothing would please me more, my dear.” He grasped my arm almost painfully and led me toward the glass doors. The first bite of the winter chill made me tremble and I rubbed my arms over my bare arms to fight off the chill.

  “Let me warm you up.” Mr. Morales’ rubbed his hands across my now chilled shoulders and I tensed at the intimacy of the act. Gasping, I turned toward him and was shocked when his lips crashed down grinding his teeth against mine.

  Repulsed I stood in shocked silence for a moment until reality stepped in and I attempted to back away. Unfortunately the brick ledge blocked that attempt and I was forced to push on his thick chest.

  “Stop playing hard to get my dear. If Mr. Ross is willing to let me fuck you for this deal, maybe I’ll reconsider turning him down.”

  His words shocked me to the core and I managed to slip from under his meaty arms. I didn’t belong in this world. Tears filled my eyes and I raced back into the crowded room and looked around for Taylor. Seeing him in conversation with some voluptuous brunette my heart ached with some emotion I didn’t understand. I just wanted to leave this place and everything it stood for. If this was how the upper half lived then I didn’t want any part of it. Stalking over to stand in front of Taylor I gave him what he wanted.

  “You win. Now can you please get me out of here?” I didn’t care that I’d lost or even what the ramifications were for losing this wager. All I knew is that if I didn’t leave this place immediately I was going to make a fool out of myself by crying like a two year old.

  His concerned gaze didn’t help my emotional mood and instead of waiting for his answer I walked with what little pride I had left to the front door. Even if I had to walk back to the hotel I was escaping this madness and everything it stood for.

  I was trembling from the cold and the disgusting act with Mr. Morales’ when Taylor finally caught up with me. Without a word he removed his jacket and draped it over my arms. The driver pulled up to the curb and he ushered me into the warmth of the car.

  Gazing out the window as we drove off I really wasn’t seeing anything. I felt the press of a cool glass into my hands and finally tore my gaze away from the view.

  “Drink that, it will help you warm up.” Was that concern in his voice? Shouldn’t he be gloating about how miserably I’d failed and cheer about claiming his prize? The fact that he didn’t made me feel even worse than I already did. Tossing back the contents of the glass I tensed as the heat filled my body.

  I wanted to get so roaring drunk that I forgot everything that happened tonight and maybe even get through whatever it was he demanded without caring too. I held out the glass for more. Instead of arguing he refilled my cup and again I downed it. With the earlier effects of the champagne and the stronger liquor I’d just imbibed I suddenly didn’t care.

  I’d failed tonight and the outlook for my life was looking bleaker than ever. Maybe people like me just didn’t get a break and were doomed to always come up last. Resting my head back against the leather seat I closed my eyes and decided to just not give a shit. I’d never felt so hopeless before and I honestly didn’t want to deal with the emotion.

  I felt strong arms lift me up sometime later but I didn’t feel like opening my eyes. Instead I nuzzled my cheek against the warm chest I was pressed against and allowed my weariness to lull me back to sleep. Surrounded by a scent that tantalized my senses I decided if I was already screwed I might as well enjoy the moment of bliss I was being given.

  That was the last thing I remembered until the bright glare of the sun piping through the windows forced me to awaken. I shivered as cool air wafted over my body and glanced down to see that I was dressed in nothing but my barely-there panties. What the hell had I done?

  I replayed last night in my mind and knew that I’d gotten drunk enough to pass out but that was all I remembered. I was in my bed in the penthouse and glancing over I breathed a sigh of relief that I was alone. That lasted long enough to see the jacket Taylor had been wearing last night draped over the armchair beside my bed.

  Pulling the covers up over me, I almost cried in disbelief. We obviously hadn’t made love, correction fucked because I doubted he knew the meaning of the other word. Even saying the word in my head made me blush but I had other things to worry about.

  He’d undressed me because I doubted I had the ability to do that on my own as much as I’d drank. What else had he done? As if seeing me naked wasn’t enough to leave me mortified for the rest of my life. I decided I could either curl up in my bed hiding in shame, or go face the overbearing oaf and demand some answers.

  Choosing the second option I slid out of the bed, walked to the bathroom to slide on a robe, then stomped out into the living room area to face him. He was sitting on the couch, sipping on a cup of coffee with just showered hair and wearing nothing but a pair of black silk boxer shorts. Forcing my eyes to his face I glared.

  “What did you do to me last night?” From somewhere deep within, I found the bitchy part of my personality and tossed the accusing words at him loudly.

  “Excuse me?” His blue eyes filled with ice and the stare he gave me almost made me take a step back. He wasn’t intimidating me with that look after he’d undressed me and done god knows what while I was comatose.

  “I’ll excuse
you when you explain why I woke up wearing nothing but my underwear you pervert!” My hands automatically moved to my hips and I gave him a look that dared him to deny what he’d done.

  “Little girl I might be a pervert but raping a woman who couldn’t even remember where she was last night is not my style. Now if you’ll sit down and act like a rational adult I’ll be glad to finish this conversation with you in a calmer manner.”

  He admitted to being a pervert? What the hell? I wanted to scream at him demanding answers but his calm coolness as he took another sip of coffee made me feel like a fool. Gritting my teeth I moved to opposite end of the couch knowing he was taunting me with his laid back attitude.

  “What happened?” My words were just as accusing as before but I managed to tone down the volume.

  He sat the coffee cup down on the table beside him, then turned to face me. “Before or after you passed out and spilled a glass of brandy down your dress?” An arched brow lifted and the familiar smirk I’d come to love and hate filled his handsome face.

  I couldn’t deny passing out, even though I wanted to desperately and it wouldn’t surprise me if I had spilled my drink. “After.” My tone was somewhat calmer now because I was dealing with my own embarrassment.

  “I removed your dress and put you in your bed, Miss Burns. Then if you must know I used some club soda on the dress so that it could be salvaged and I sent it down to the cleaners this morning.” He was overly amused and I knew that he thought I was assuming something much worse.

  Still grumpy but more at ease I pouted. “You shouldn’t have undressed me.” It was lame considering that I’d probably smelled like a brewery, but still he’d seen me naked!

  “Your breasts, while quite lovely, aren’t the first pair I’ve seen before. I was only considering your comfort.” My face heated at his words and I wondered if I was being ungrateful. No! The man had seen parts of my body no other man had visualized before.