A Night at Tears of Crimson Read online

Page 5

  She pulled her hair up in a ponytail and threw on some tennis shoes then headed out the door. Luckily, she made it right on time. Rachel and Angela were dressed as casually as she was and they greeted her warmly. They ate lunch first at a little outdoor eatery known for their crawfish etouffee, and then they drank wine and just got to know each other better.

  Her story wasn't that interesting but she explained how she grew up in a little town in Alabama and had always dreamed of traveling the world and maybe landing a recording contract. She also told them that after her grandmother’s death she finally felt it was time to do the things she'd dreamed of.

  Rachel explained that she had left home the minute she graduated high school five years ago, and moved here. Her mother had been single and an alcoholic that had beaten her most of her life. She was very candid when telling the story of her life and truly believed that where you came from didn't equal where you were going, so she left the first chance she got.

  Angela had left home after her boyfriend walked out on her leaving her pregnant and alone at seventeen. She had gone into one of those homes for mothers who were pregnant and wanting to put their baby up for adoption. When she left the home they had given her a little cash to help her start a new life and she had moved to New Orleans on that.

  Cara discovered that Angela had pretty much worked at other clubs since she was eighteen because she had gotten a fake ID that allowed her to do it. She was now twenty-two and really didn't have an education so this was pretty much her lot in life. Cara thought that Angela didn't seem to be unhappy and she was really a very nice person.

  They finished their lunch and went walking around to some of the local shops. The Boutique du Vampyre was one of Cara's favorite shops and Rachel and Angela had never even known the place existed. She glanced around noticing all the vampire related books and gift items. Now that she worked at a vampire bar, reading some of the books here would probably give her an even greater insight into what her customers would enjoy, she thought. She made a mental note to come back next week after saving up a little more money.

  It definitely seemed like money was not an issue with her two new friends because they blew it like crazy. She, on the other hand, needed to be pretty conservative with her funds until she felt more financially secure, still she enjoyed the window shopping. They were like a bunch of teenagers just goofing off and having a great time. Cara was really sorry when they had to part ways and get ready for work.

  “This sounds nuts, but I've had so much fun I wish it could go on forever,” Cara told them.

  “We should definitely try to do this every afternoon,” Angela stated with a grin.

  They gathered up their purchases and made their way back down Toulouse Street. Cara's heart was really filled with joy at how well she and her new friends seemed to be getting along. They agreed to meet at the same place tomorrow before parting ways.

  She got home and straightened up her room, which took no time at all. Deciding she had a little time before she had to go to work, so she took a few minutes to lay back on the bed and read one of her favorite historical love stories. She knew how they would all end, but it was great to read them because it made the chance to find that kind of love seem real to her.

  She dozed off, and by the time she woke up it was time to get dressed and make it to the bar. Thinking to herself she slept more in the past two days than she had in years, she could only chalk it up to all the excitement of a new job. As she walked in the employees lounge Rachel was already there and their night started pretty much like the last one, except she was working her own tables. Everything went pretty smoothly in her opinion.

  4 Tears of longing

  Rafe had spent the last three months doing everything he could to avoid being around Cara for any long period of time. He treated her with polite professionalism when business forced him to speak with her, and even then he forced himself to remain in complete control. He doubted the girl had any idea how much just being around her made him long for things that would change her world forever. When the desire grew so strong that he felt he would give in to that temptation, he visited her dreams. He knew that even that was crossing the boundaries, but it was better for her than the alternative.

  His inner nature was demanding he take what he wanted and he had fought for as long as possible. He was going to have her one way or another, and he preferred it to be on his terms instead of surrendering to the beast that dwelled inside of him. The dreams they shared were no longer enough to feed the hunger. He could only hope that the demon that drove him on would be satisfied with the small taste he intended to sample of her humanity. The thought of branding her his was so tempting, but she deserved so much more than that. He refused to take this any further than indulging in simple pleasure. As the object of his needs came into view, he decided to at least speak to her tonight.

  Walking toward the bar where she was sitting, he moved quietly until he stood beside her. "So Cara, how are things going for you?" It seemed like a safe enough topic, he thought to himself. Leaning on the bar, he stared into her eyes attempting to read her thoughts.

  Her heart raced erratically as her eyes met his and she could only stare at him speechless. It was easy to pretend she wasn't fascinated with him when he ignored her, something he had done very well for months now, but how was she supposed to react when he talked to her? She had caught him staring at her several nights, with this strange glint in his eyes, but she just chalked that up to him making sure she was doing her job. Wishing her hands would stop trembling, she knew he was waiting on answer, but she had completely forgotten what he asked. Absolute perfection was how she saw him.

  "So I should take it that it was such a hard night, that now you're speechless," he couldn't stop the smile that found his face as she stared at him confused. He enjoyed knowing she found him attractive even as his mind demanded he shut down the urge to grab her hand and slide it under his shirt.

  Holy sin he looked so beautiful, she thought. His midnight black hair grazed the wide expanse of his shoulders. The black tee shirt he wore seemed ready to burst at the seams it was stretched across his chest so taught. She found herself wanting to raise his shirt to see if he sported a six pack, because judging from his muscled arms, it seemed very likely he did. Her eyes roamed lower, almost groaning at how snugly his jean fit his well-formed, long legs. She was going to make a fool out of herself if she didn't get away from him. "Um, I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well," she hated telling him a lie but she was growing breathless and didn't want to embarrass herself when it was pretty obvious he wasn't interested.

  He watched her run off and decided he had pulled off his aloof act entirely too well. Did the girl honestly not understand just how beautiful she was, he wondered in shock. He decided to follow her, not sure if it was his idea or the demon that demanded he possess her.

  She made it to her SUV as fast as her legs would carry her. That was really smooth Cara, she thought to herself. Fumbling with her keys, she felt tears fill her eyes, knowing what an idiot he must think she was. The car alarm blared since she had forgotten to turn it off before trying to open the door. Struggling with the keys, she felt them slide through her hands and find the ground. "Damn it, he's just a man," she was determined to convince herself of that statement and spoke it out loud, feeling even more idiotic.

  "Having a little trouble tonight?" bending over to pick up her keys he tapped the alarm button on the chain. Watching her eyes widen and the unmasked desire cross her beautiful face, it took everything he had not to pull her into his arms. Seeing her nod and being unable to speak, he knew it was a dangerous game he was playing with her. Unable to stop himself, he reached out to caress her cheek without thinking. Her lips parted and he dropped his hand needing to diffuse this sudden longing to taste her. "Calm yourself, Cara," looking into her eyes he willed her to relax, pleased as the tension left her shoulders.

  Moving to open her car door, needing to put some distance between them, he
knew that she had just sealed her own fate. He was fighting his own control to stop from allowing his fangs to descend or throw her on the hood of the car and sate his desire. The scent of her blood called to him like a siren song, and the monster he was wouldn't allow his need to go unfulfilled much longer. "Drive home little one, do it now." He spoke the words straight into her mind, compelling her to give in to his wishes. He would be in more control before he tasted her blood, he vowed mentally.

  She slid into the passenger seat without any real thought of her own. There was a calmness that took over her mind that made no sense considering how she felt only moments earlier. Turning the ignition switch over, something demanded that she leave now. Watching him in the rearview mirror, she pulled away even as her heart demanded she go back and tell him exactly how she felt. She didn't remember making the drive home, but here she was. Confused, she got out and walked inside her little apartment. Sleep, her mind demanded, and she found her way to the bed and fell back on it. Within moments she was sound asleep.

  Rafe finished closing down the bar and made it back to his mansion. If he had any humanity at all, he would stop playing with the girl's emotions this way, he chided himself. He had proven tonight what simply being in her presence could do to her. It was an unfair advantage he had, and he knew that his allure was not all of his own doing. The dawn would come soon and he couldn't resist the selfish urge to find her in dreams again. There would be no turning back, he knew that tomorrow night he would demand more than just time spent in dreams from her.

  Turning restlessly in bed, she felt him arrive. None of this was real, but still she allowed herself the little fantasy. She was standing on strange land and the colors around her were startling in their beauty. She was dressed in a white cotton gown, but she knew she'd gone to bed in her uniform. Shrugging off the confusion she watched him walk closer. "Where are we?" she smiled and held out her hand to him, not nervous at all in this realm they shared. They had visited many places but this was new to her.

  "I wanted to share my home with you, little one," he smiled and took the hand she offered, lifting it to his lips and placing a tender kiss there. He watched as her eyes take in the strange beauty and it seemed even more beautiful through her sight. "Walk with me," he spoke quietly and found pleasure as she allowed him to lead.

  The entire landscaped was bathed in a soft pink glow and her smile never faltered as they moved effortlessly across the soft grass. Turning her eyes to his as he stopped, she wanted to remain here with him forever. "Can we stay?" she whispered, her eyes filled with longing.

  "You are too special for me to capture your soul, little one," he smiled down and lightly caressed her cheek. It was tempting to give in to her wishes but she had no real idea what she was asking from him.

  Sorrow filled her heart at his words, and she wanted to weep. Pulling her hand from his she turned her back to him. "Why would you tempt me with something you'll never let me have?"

  He couldn't explain it to her here, and he felt frustration at wanting to give in to her desires. "I shouldn't have brought you here," he didn't like causing her pain and he could feel her emotions, so he knew how wrong he had been. "Return home little one," sending her back into her own mind he ended the connection. His own soul ached as he let go. Tomorrow night, he forced his body to give over to his own rest, she would be his.

  Cara awoke feeling a strange sense of desolation. The dreams were only growing more intense and she worried about her own mental health. It couldn't be healthy to dream about someone like this, she thought to herself. She finished all her daily chores and hoped that work tonight would not find her making a bigger fool out of herself than what she already had.

  By the time her shift started at Tears of Crimson, she felt like she wasn't even part of her own existence. She wasn't a depressed person and couldn't understand just what was causing her to feel so sad.

  As her shift came to an end, and last call had been issued, the normal griping session about the customers at the bar had begun. The familiarity of this made her smile for the first time tonight. Anthony locked the door after letting the last patron out, and rolled his eyes at the drunken fool attempting to spend the night in the booth.

  "Is everything alright with you Cara?" Anthony patted her shoulder awkwardly, uncomfortable with emotion.

  "I'm fine Tony," she smiled at the gesture," just feeling a little tired lately.

  The answer seemed to satisfy him because he moved behind the bar and fixed himself a shot of tequila. She was really thankful he didn't pry deeper because explaining her odd dreams of late wasn't really something she felt comfortable with.

  She was shocked when Rafe joined the employees at the bar because he usually stayed in his office until Michael walked up with the receipts from the register. Everyone else seemed to disappear as he turned those mesmerizing blue eyes her way.

  “Would you care to take a drive with me tonight Cara?” he watched her eyes widen in shock and smiled warmly. She had no idea about the decision he had made, he knew this, but he had plans for them.

  It took her a few seconds to answer, because she was completely dumbfounded. “Um, sure I’d love to,” If he'd asked her to dance naked in the street at that moment, she couldn't have been more shocked. Somewhere, deep in her mind she knew it was just a simple invitation, but her heart raced just the same. All thoughts about keeping this relationship strictly professional went straight out the window.

  Rachel raised her eyebrows from behind Rafe’s back and Cara could see she was just as shocked that he had asked. “Well I think I’m about to call it night,” Rachel stood up and looked at Angela pointedly.

  “Yeah I think I’m right behind you, this night has been a killer,” Angela winked at Cara giving her a thumbs up where Rafe couldn’t see it.

  She felt her face turn bright red, because it was pretty obvious they were clearing out so she could have some “alone” time with Rafe. Within ten minutes Michael, Anthony, and Dante had cleared out as well and she felt a little uncomfortable, being honest with herself.

  “Well that went well for discretion,” Rafe chuckled self derisively before walking around the club shutting down for the night.

  She had no idea what to say to that, and just smiled trying not to look as nervous as she really felt.

  “Shall we?” Rafe asked holding out his hand.

  She took his hand and felt like a complete idiot, realizing how her hand shook. If he noticed he didn’t comment on it. They walked out the back entrance to his car and she felt her nerves growing worse by the minute. She tried to convince herself that this was just a ride as he opened up the passenger door to his car, but her mind refused to calm.

  He quickly moved to his side of the car and slid in behind the wheel. He drove off trying to concentrate on the road, her thoughts had his hands clenching the steering wheel in a death grip. He didn't want to control her thoughts tonight so he couldn't help her calm down. The scent of her blood was really prominent in the close confines of the car and he struggled with his own needs.

  “Am I in some kind of trouble?” she asked him nervously, noticing his grip on the steering wheel. There was a tenseness in the air that made her feel like she was in line for an execution. Nibbling on her lower lip nervously and clenching her hands tightly in her lap, she tried to think of what she might have done in the last week to anger him.

  He spared her a small glance before turning back to the road. “I do believe we both might be."

  She felt a huge knot in her throat, trying to understand his words. She honestly couldn't remember doing anything that would have him this angry. He floored the accelerator and she gripped the armrests tightly. “Look whatever it is I’ve done I’m sorry,” she whispered frantically. He was really starting to scare her with his stony silence and the incredible speed with the car.

  He didn’t answer, and if anything he sped up even faster. She was nearing the point of hysteria as they drove for thirty minutes at a Nascar pace
down roads that were so deserted that she doubted anyone would have found their bodies if they crashed. Finally after what seemed like forever, he pulled down a dirt road that was filled with potholes.

  He was fighting the overwhelming urge to drag her over to his side of the car and feast from her. He could feel her growing agitation, but he didn't have enough control to answer her at the moment. He needed to get her out of the closed confines so his mind could regroup again, and quickly. The demon was demanding to be fed, and it didn't like being denied what it craved.

  The road he was leading them down, didn’t look like it had seen a car in years. The thought ran through her mind that this would be a great place to dump a body if you didn’t want the evidence to be found. She couldn't help but feel like it was a terrible mistake coming with him tonight. Her lips were trembling the fear was so overwhelming. “Rafe?” she whispered shakily, hoping he’d say anything to break the silence.

  Without saying a word he pulled into a clearing in the woods and stopped the car so suddenly the tires spun. He slid out of the car quickly and moved to her door almost instantly. Her gasp had him feeling even more agitated as he read the fear in her mind. “Come,” he demanded holding his hand out impatiently.

  Thinking of self-preservation at this point, she shook her head no stubbornly. Her body was shaking so violently she felt almost paralyzed. As far as she was concerned at that moment, he could stand outside all night waiting.

  “Cara come with me,” his voice softened instantly sensing how terrified she was and his eyes lost the murderous glare that the demon brought out. He hadn't meant to frighten her, and felt like the monster he was as he noted her trembling form.