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Whore Page 4

  “It’s more about body language than words. First relax and stop looking like you want to throw me out the window.” I attempted a few deep breaths dropping my arms while trying to appease him. “That’s good. Now I’m going to walk over to the other side of the room and stand and I want you to pretend that you find me appealing.”

  I watched him move in front of the large stone fireplace and rest his arm on the mantle. I had no freaking idea how to look at him like he was someone I wanted to date and bit my lip nervously.

  “That’s perfect. You’ve got beautiful lips, and that little expression would be enough to turn on most men.”

  Did he just say I had great lips? What the hell. I was almost flattered by the compliment and deserved a meeting with a shrink over that. Trying to get my thoughts in order I lowered my eyes to the ground counting to three before I returned my gaze to his face again.

  The look of stark desire in his eyes made my knees tremble and my mouth parted slightly in awe. My nipples pebbled and it had nothing to do with the air temperature. Without conscious thought I allowed my tongue to dart out and wet the dryness that suddenly accumulated on my lips. He started walking toward me and my heart fell into my stomach.

  The predatory gaze made my breasts feel heavier and frightened me enough to force me back a few steps. Whatever mojo this man had going, it scared the crap out of me and I felt like running.

  “What happened? You were great until I made a move toward you?” His confusion was easy to read and I felt embarrassed again.

  “You made me nervous.” I cursed my honest streak because the last thing I wanted him to know was how attractive I found him.

  Throwing back his thick head of hair, he chuckled. “Imposing my will on others is how I helped this company make millions, but rest assured you have no reason to be nervous around me. Unless of course you find me irresistible?” His smirk was back in place and it was apparent that he felt most women did.

  I wasn’t about to admit that I was one of them. The man had enough ego for five men. “That’s not it at all, you don’t interest me in the least!” I didn’t mean to speak the words so strongly but I couldn’t take the chance that he’d see through my lies.

  “Are you certain?” He raised an eyebrow, then lowered his eyes to my chest. “I don’t do relationships but a consensual enjoyment of pleasures wouldn’t be against my rules.”

  Had he just offered to please me? Holy crap. I needed to run from this room and go hide somewhere. “You’re not my type.” Where those words came from I had no idea. My mind was running on self-defense mode and he was throwing up all kinds of warnings with his teasing.

  “Something tells me I could be exactly what you need, but let’s get back to work.” His teasing banter slipped into seriousness in a blink of an eye and I could only assume he’d been amusing himself.

  I stood absolutely still and watched him walk back to the fireplace. My heart was beating rapidly and all I wanted was to return to the safety of my own apartment.

  “Let’s try this again and don’t back away when I walk toward you. Instead try offering a smile, encouraging me to join you.”

  I doubted my legs would work so his demand was pretty much pointless. Even my lips were trembling as he invaded my space again. I forced myself to smile when he was only a few inches before me and almost hyperventilated when he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

  “You look lovely this evening.” Chills moved down my arms at the warmth of his breath against the lobe. I couldn’t stop the involuntary shiver.

  “This is where you would tell me thank you.” The amusement in his voice snapped me out of my mental fantasy, which was pretty hot at the moment if I was being honest.

  “Thank you.” I whispered the words softly and met his eyes as they found mine.

  I was shocked when his fingers lightly caressed my arm and gasped at the tingle left in their wake. I wanted to step back again but I felt like I was held to the spot by some invisible magnetic force.

  “Would you like to walk out on the balcony to get a breath of fresh air?” The timbre of his voice was so deeply seductive I almost moaned. Fresh air would definitely be a relief to this closeness with him that seemed to be warning me of the danger he could do to my soul.

  “I think that’s a good idea.” My voice was husky and I had no idea why I suddenly felt like my body was on fire.

  He opened the door to his balcony and rested his hand on my lower back, guiding. The coolness of the winter air was a welcome relief as I stared over the city below. My heart was still racing as he stood behind me, the warmth of his body penetrating through the thinness of the long sleeved t-shirt I was wearing.

  “A beautiful woman sharing an incredible view, I do believe this will be a night to remember.” The seductive quality in his voice was almost hypnotizing and I couldn’t stop myself from turning to face him.

  I lifted my face without conscious thought and offered him my lips. I didn’t know what was wrong with me but at the moment all I wanted was to surrender to his kiss.

  He lowered his head and stopped scant inches from my lips. “Now that Miss Burns, is a perfect example of seduction.” With a smirk he lifted his head and walked back into the living room.

  I gripped the railing tightly for a few moments needing to gain some control over my emotions. This was nothing but a lesson to him and for reasons I didn’t care to contemplate my feelings were hurt. Taking several deep breaths I forced myself to walk back in and join him.

  “I don’t think you’ll have any problems with this job.” The tick in his strong jaw made him appear angry and I had no idea why he was mad when I was the one who’d almost given in to the illusion.

  “Maybe I wasn’t pretending.” I could have slapped myself for uttering those words. He made me feel inferior and I hated it. I should have told him that all the money in the world wouldn’t make me kiss an ass like him.

  “Be careful what you say. I don’t think you’re ready to play in my world little girl.”

  The man was an egomaniac. He deserved to be taken down a notch or two and I was just angry enough to do it. “Maybe it’s you who should be careful. Looks are sometimes deceiving.” All I can say is the devil made me do it. His high and mighty look pissed me off and I didn’t want him to see me as this child who couldn’t hold her own.

  “I don’t doubt that at all. So you think you can match my skills? Be very careful how you answer because I don’t take challenges lightly.”

  Pompous ass. He might be rich, handsome and successful but I’d never backed down from any challenge. Growing up with a mother like mine I’d learned to fight for anything I wanted in this life. “You just might find you’ve met your match.” I wasn’t even sure what we were talking about any longer. I only knew he’d gotten to me and I hated him for it.

  He walked with aggressive movements until we were standing toe to toe again. I was completely unprepared as his hand tangled in my hair, pulling my neck back almost painfully. “This is one game you won’t win.” His lips crushed into mine and the kiss he gave was meant to punish.

  Never in my life had a man treated me this way and the gasp that escaped left him the opening he needed to strike with his tongue. I don’t know when the rage turned into passion but our tongues dueled frantically until I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stand on my own.

  That kiss seemed to last forever and I wasn’t sure how much further it would have gone if I hadn’t let a whimper escape. My mind was completely muddled with the taste of him driving me to insanity. His flavor was unbelievable and all I could ask for was more.

  He pulled away and I almost lost my balance with the abrupt movement. “We leave for New York tomorrow. I expect you to be ready by noon.” Without any further explanation, he walked over to the front door and held it open.

  I felt like I’d been slapped in the face, the change was so fast. My lips were throbbing with the pressure of his earlier seduction, and my cheek burned with the friction
from his five o’clock shadow. Mindless, I walked out and raced toward the elevator.

  Whatever game we were playing had been taken to a new level and I had no idea how to keep up. All I wanted was to get as far away from him as possible and hopefully clear my head. I waited impatiently to reach my floor and when I finally arrived my feet carried me inside swiftly.

  I stood in my kitchen gripping the counter of the island bar trying to make sense of how wrong this night had ended. In over my head was an understatement. A man like Taylor Ross could break me without trying and I knew I’d be forced to fold my hand.

  I should resign and walk away from this before I lost more than my pride. The unfairness of the situation made me want to weep, but I’d be damned if I’d allow him to bring me to that level. I wasn’t even sure what the game was any longer.

  It was times like this I wished I had a mother to talk to. Picking up the phone I called Ashley, she was the only friend I had that I’d discuss something as serious as this with. Explaining what had happened tonight, my stomach fluttered. Taylor Ross was the big leagues and I still felt like I was in high school when it came to my experiences on the emotional side.

  “Holy Shit! He kissed you?” Ashley gasped into the receiver. “I’ve seen pictures of your boss online, I would so be tapping that!” Obviously she wasn’t getting the magnitude of the world of crap I was suddenly floating in. “Did you like it?”

  “That’s not the point!” Hell yes I liked it. Kissing Taylor was way different than those awkward fumbling’s with some boy after a date. I’d never been in a serious relationship and outside of David Miller trying to feel me up after prom my experience was pretty much nil.

  “I’d say that’s pretty much everything. He’s sexy, rich and from what you’ve told me exciting as hell.”

  This conversation was not helping. “He’s my boss and something tells me fun with him might leave me shattered.”

  “You’re twenty maybe a little shattering is just what you need at the moment. Seriously I don’t know why you’re holding on to the V card. If you want him, then I say go for it. I mean you did say he wasn’t into relationships, right?”

  “Consensual enjoyment of pleasures,” I repeated Ross’s earlier statement verbatim. “What the hell does that even mean?”

  “Sounds to me like the guy just wants some no commitment sex. That leaves you with two choices. File a charge of sexual harassment on him, or have a little fun.” Ashely was laughing and it was apparent she didn’t see the big deal.

  “I need this job.” Not to mention the cushy living arrangements weren’t something I wanted to give up. “If I slept with him I’d feel like a whore.” That was the gist of the situation. I did find Taylor attractive but at the same time I didn’t have a clue how to deal with him. I mean what could a person like me offer?

  “I don’t think you fit the definition of the word.” Ashley giggled and the sound was grating on my nerves. “Seriously either do him or don’t. From what little I’ve read about him online he has some huge reputation in the business world. He’s not going to risk you actually filing charges against him if you turn him down.”

  She was right. I didn’t see Mr. Ross being the type of man who’d force me to do anything. I’d been the one who refused to back down because of my own pride. Maybe I was just making more out of this than needed to be. Taking a deep breath I allowed some of my anxiety to ease.

  “You’re right. I guess I just freaked out because I never expected him to kiss me.” Maybe the truth was more along the lines of me not expecting to enjoy that kiss as much as I had too.

  “Well there you go. If it were me I’d just go about my job like nothing happened. Unless you want him, then I’d say take him up on the challenge.” She yawned into the receiver.

  “I’ll let you get some sleep. We’re going to New York tomorrow for a business trip. I’ll call you when I get back.”

  “Damn I wish I had your job! If you need me just give me a call.”

  “Love you. Get some sleep, sorry I woke you.” We hung up and I felt a little better. He probably wouldn’t even remember last night. There was no doubt in my mind he had women tripping over their feet to enjoy his pleasures and that thought helped me stop worrying about being alone with him on the trip.

  chapter Six


  After a restless night filled with dreams of my boss, I realized I only had a few hours before he arrived. Taking a quick shower the sleepiness evaporated and gave me enough energy to pack for our excursion. I’d never visited New York and I hoped to see some of the sights during our down time.

  I packed up the overpriced clothes in the only suitcase I owned. It was a little worn and I made a mental reminder to pick up one a little more fitting before our next trip. Not sure how I was expected to dress on the plane, I’d chosen a simple pair of black dress pants, slid on the shortest of the heels, and topped it off with a silky white dress shirt. Pulling a black trench coat from my closet I carried it into the kitchen and draped it over a chair.

  Having never flown before I decided on a light breakfast of cereal. The stuff was probably loaded down with sugar but it was a childhood obsession that I still hadn’t outgrown. Instead of coffee I opted for orange juice. I seriously didn’t need any caffeine this morning because despite knowing I wasn’t Mr. Ross’s type, my nerves were still a little strung about spending time alone with him.

  I chalked up last night to him being bored and me overstepping the boundaries with my challenge. There was no way a man like him would want someone like me and thinking anything else was just foolish. Finishing my breakfast quickly I walked back to the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup.

  The tips I’d learned from the spa yesterday paid off because when I looked back in the mirror a woman much more refined stared into my eyes. I tamed my unruly blonde curls with a hot iron and wrapped them in a bun that added a few years to my appearance. Satisfied, I brushed my teeth and then walked back into the living room to wait for him.

  I wasn’t expecting his driver to show up at my door and when he took my bag I could only follow him to the elevator somewhat shocked. This wasn’t my life and I knew it was going to take some adjustment on my part to get accustomed to how things worked. Standing outside the back of the limousine I peeked in and almost gasped at the sight of Mr. Ross resting back against the cool leather talking heatedly into his phone.

  “We will discuss this more when I arrive tonight. Just make sure that you aren’t late for the meeting.”

  His deep blue eyes looked over me with a coolness that did little for my nervousness. “I would like to leave sometime today Miss Burns.”

  I didn’t even realize I hadn’t entered the car and I hastily slid in, buckling my seat belt. The driver shut my door and within moments the car was moving forward. I didn’t turn my gaze to him, instead I folded my hands demurely in my lap and glanced out the window as the scenery moved by.

  My heart was racing in my chest and I took several deep breaths to calm myself. I heard him chatting away again but his tone seemed more relaxed now. Just the sound of his voice was enough to make me feel things I shouldn’t and without thought I crossed my legs in attempt to thwart the strange sensations.

  “You seem very uncomfortable, Miss Burns.” The mocking undertone of his sensual voice forced my eyes to his. I knew I shouldn’t have looked his way. The heat he was radiating from those dangerously blue depths made my mouth dry.

  “It’s my first real challenge as your assistant.” I hoped he bought that I was nervous about doing a good job for him and not the real reason for my anxiety.

  “Which challenge are you referring to?” A smirk lifted his full lips and I almost stopped breathing.

  “The job of course.” I lowered my eyes to my lap flustered at his words. Uncomfortable didn’t begin to define the way I felt being alone in this car with him. It didn’t help that the subtle fragrance of his aftershave was bathing me in its aroma and doing little to he
lp me remember he was my boss.

  “I do believe the job will come easily for you. You demonstrated your skills very well last night.” I bit my lip wishing I could open my mouth and tell him that I didn’t mean to challenge him at all. Clenching my hands tightly together, I forced my eyes to return to the passing view.

  His soft chuckle reverberated through my body in ways that should be against the law. I tensed and inched over until I was pressed against the door. He was obviously much better at playing games than I was and it terrified me that I was actually turned on by this little cat and mouse game.

  “You could always forfeit.” The arrogance in his tone was my undoing. Without thinking it through I turned to glare at him.

  “Perhaps you should. I’ve never lost a bet Mr. Ross and better men than you have tried and failed.” What the hell was I saying? The words just flew out of my mouth like some demon was possessing me.

  “So we’re betting now. What wager should we throw down?” His deep laugh even filled his eyes and I knew I was in a world of trouble.

  Me and my big mouth. This wasn’t the first time I’d put my foot in it. Growing up fighting for the smallest of reprieves with my own mother, my first defense mechanism was to never back down. “I’ll let you decide your own doom.”

  “Confident are we?” He tapped a long digit against his chin, seeming to contemplate the stakes. “Give me a moment, I’m sure to find something that will be worthy of such an opponent.”

  The egomaniac was laughing at me and even though I knew he’d probably smash me like a bug, I couldn’t give an inch. “You do that Mr. Ross, but just remember I don’t like losing.”

  I was so screwed. And not just a little bit, but like driving myself off a cliff and landing on jagged rocks, car explosion screwed. Glancing at his face I felt I could see the devious thoughts moving through his mind. This man had a world of experience under his belt, I didn’t doubt, and I was like some little girl who still needed training wheels on her bike.