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A Night at Tears of Crimson Page 3
A Night at Tears of Crimson Read online
Page 3
Rafe grabbed her arm firmly, leading her away from the crowd and back upstairs. Pulling her into the security of his office, he slammed the door quickly. “Did you not understand what I meant earlier when I said this was a vampire club?” His eyes were hard and infuriated.
Without thought her eyes filled up with tears at his harsh words. She shook her head miserably, unable to answer him. She really needed this job; on top of that she wasn't really happy at having him seeming to be disappointed in her.
He shook his head in exasperation, but the hard glint in his stare softened somewhat and he shook his head. “So innocent,” he knew without a doubt now, that this was the real reason he was so fascinated with her.
“I am not that innocent,” She told him angrily. To her those words meant she didn't know what was good for her. Just because she wasn't a tramp didn't mean she knew less than anyone else. Feeling embarrassed for being so vocal to her new boss, she sighed
“Look, Cara maybe I was wrong, this place may just be a little too much for you,” he said the words quietly while lifting her chin with his hand gently. For reason he didn't care to consider, the thought of hurting her feelings bothered him. She would be much better off working in an office somewhere, and being honest with himself, away from someone like him.
Knowing he was going to take back his job offer, she panicked. She really needed this job desperately. “Please, I know I can handle this, don't fire me before giving me a chance,” Pleading with him, she grabbed his shirt, fisting the material in her hands without thinking.
Watching him shake his head, she knew he was about to refuse her and she just couldn't let that happen. “I truly need this job,” Her voice was full of desperation, “you will never hear another peep out of me about the customers”. Glancing deeply into his eyes, she was begging him to give her that chance. For good measure, she let go of his shirt and crossed her heart with her finger.
He knew there was no way he could refuse her the job now. Something about this girl called to him on levels he didn't want to consider. She could be a liability to his business if he didn't know she could handle herself professionally. “Cara, I'll be honest I really am having second thoughts about you working here,” putting his finger to her lips he stopped her from speaking before continuing, “I'm going to give you the chance to prove me wrong though.”
What was he thinking? he chided himself. Normally he would have just sent someone like her away. If he allowed himself to rationalize his decision for allowing her to stay, he would have kicked her out of his club faster than normal. For reasons he cared not to delve into, he wanted this girl here and it had nothing to do with the fact that she would make a controllable employee, which was his normal way of thinking when it came to hiring. She had this charming innocence that surrounded her and it was compelling to someone like him. He knew that this place would probably take away those qualities and was surprised that the city had not already destroyed it. Her application had listed her as living in New Orleans for six months, and he wondered how others like him had not already discovered her.
"Have a seat for a moment Cara, there are a few things I wish to discuss," this conversation needed to take place if she was going to become his responsibility. Even though she wasn't aware of it yet, he was going to be the one that protected her. He enjoyed how she moved over to the desk without question but it proved what he already knew, she was entirely too easily influenced. The thought crossed his mind that if he chose she would become anything he encouraged her to be. Shaking that thought away, he reminded himself that he didn't control people for the most part and he certainly would never allow her to be used by those that would have no qualms about using her trusting nature.
"This town is full of people that will take advantage of you," he glanced over at her pleased that she was staring into his eyes and fully paying attention. He wondered what it would be like to caress the long straight locks of her silken hair and sighed deeply. She was so beautiful and tempting, with her perfect young body and angelic face. He knew keeping his distance was going to require every ounce of his control. With years of practice he pulled his own needs away and forced himself to focus on her.
"I can take care of myself," she felt a little insulted that he chose to speak to her about such things and crossed her arms over her chest angrily. She had heard all of this from her few friends back home and wasn't really interested in being treated like a child by him.
He fought back a grin at the angry flush to her cheeks, “I am sure that you can Cara, but you will be working with customers that may not respect your wishes." He watched her chocolate brown eyes widen at his comment and was glad she understood his meaning. "If you have any concerns with any customer I want them taken to either our bartender or the bouncer, Anthony." At her nod he smiled. "Anthony, he works the front door, but he has also been employed with me at other businesses that I manage," he noted the slight frown she gave and deciphered that Anthony had probably not made a good impression on her. For reasons he cared not to dwell upon, this made him happy.
Anthony was definitely a ladies' man and he preferred that Cara not find him intriguing, again another thought he chose not to consider at the moment. "It slipped my mind earlier, but we need to get you a uniform,” shaking his head somewhat he knew exactly why he had forgotten and thought to himself that putting a professional distance between the two of them was going to try even his patience. “What size do you wear?” he asked nonchalantly.
“Size small in shirt, and 6 in pants,” knowing her size was definitely nothing to be embarrassed about.
He nodded curtly and moved out of the room. He needed a few moments to compose himself. This girl was having an effect on him that had him on edge. Walking into the supply room he focused on pulling out uniforms in her size and reminding himself that she was just another employee. The soft scent of her rose perfume still lingered in his memory and he knew hiring her was a mistake he would pay for.
Cara glanced around curious to find out more about her new boss. Lining the shelves of the office, were tons of books that had seen better days, but what really caught her attention were some of the titles. They ranged from Alchemy to history and a little of everything in between. She wondered if he had actually read all of them. Handsome and intelligent, she sighed; there really was no hope for her.
He walked back in the room carrying a few garments. His composure was no better than before, and he came to the conclusion that getting her out of here quickly was his only alternative. “There's a restroom down the hall, two doors on the left.” Hoping his words didn't sound as strained as he felt, he attempted a smile. “If you wouldn't mind, please try those on to see if they fit.” Did she have any idea how tempting she looked staring at him that way? he pondered.
She felt a little guilty for trying to discover things about him, especially since his mannerism was nothing but professional. Taking the bag from his hand she stood and tried not to allow her eyes to roam over his beautiful form. "I'll be right back," forcing her own smile she walked down the hall. Whatever it was about this man that had her ready to jump through hoops to please him, she didn't want him to know just how much he affected her. Taking a deep breath, she found the restroom and walked into a huge stall that had a bench and two long mirrors inside. Shaking her head at the decor of the bathroom, she wondered why it felt like everything just seemed to be overdone in this place. Sliding off her clothes, she opened the bag and was glad that everything wasn't completely black. Determined to get her mind back in the right place, she tried on the uniform.
The shirt was actually very pretty, she thought. It was crimson red with puffy short sleeves and a deep v in the front. As she tried it on, she noted it did show lots of cleavage, but being blessed in that department it wasn't a huge concern. The skirt was a little on the short side for her taste, but she wasn't a complete prude. It fell a few inches down her thighs. Thankfully it was a perfect fit and she wouldn't need to ask him for another size. Gla
ncing in the long mirror, she was pretty happy with her reflection. It wasn't obscene just a little more daring than how she normally dressed.
Folding the clothes neatly she put them back in the bag. She was relieved that there were two other uniforms of the same size in there, because that meant she wouldn't have to visit the laundry mat every day. The little apartment she rented didn’t have a washer or dryer. Actually it didn't have much of anything besides a bed, shower stall, small dresser and a closet. It was the most she could afford and there was no contract, just a weekly payment. More than once she had worried that she wouldn't be able to pay the small fee. Changing back into her street clothes, she walked back to the office door and knocked lightly.
“Come in,” he watched her walk in the room and was pleased that his body didn't react immediately. “Did everything fit?” He felt completely in control once more. The small amount of time she had been gone, he'd spent reminding himself that he was her boss and not someone who seduced young girls.
“Perfect,” she smiled unable to stop noticing again how handsome he was. Giving herself a mental shake, she forced herself to remember that he was her boss. Perhaps it was time she started thinking about dating, and preferably not someone who could fire her if things didn't work out, she thought.
“Let me walk you to your car then,” his tone was a little more curt than he intended, but this girl was really having an effect on him and the last thing he needed was someone like her in his life at the moment.
Trying to keep the hurt look off her face at his tone of voice, she forced herself to smile and followed him as he made a quick walk to the door. It was pretty apparent that he wanted to get rid of her as quickly as possible, he was moving that fast. Trying to keep up with him was a chore and she was breathless as they made it downstairs.
“Where did you park?” he questioned abruptly, while smiling at the customers that waved or spoke to him as they made it back downstairs. The sooner he got her to the car, the better, he thought as his control was starting to fade again.
“Across the street in front,” she told him, needing to get away before her emotions got the best of her. Knowing that he wanted her out of the club hurt her feelings more than she cared to admit. They walked out into the humid night air, with many eyes now following their movements. She could see the curiosity in their glances when the customers noticed them together. Lowering her gaze to the floor, she felt somewhat uncomfortable, but couldn't put a finger on why she cared what they thought.
“From now on park in back in the employees parking area,” he pointed to the sign on the side of the building, “we have security cameras set up to monitor the vehicles there.” The thought of anyone daring to hurt her made him angry and he walked faster. Whatever spell this girl was putting on him, he was determined to ignore it.
She unlocked the door to her SUV as they arrived, and threw her bag in the passenger seat. She knew that she needed to get out of here quickly, but the thought of leaving him, physically made her heart ache. Unable to stop herself she turned to stare at him.
He looked in the backseat and then gave her his attention again. “I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he squeezed her hand and let it go quickly. If she looked at him with that longing look in her eyes again, he wouldn't be responsible for his actions.
“Thank you,” she whispered to him as she got in the car. Sliding on her seatbelt, she started the car before finding his eyes again. Stop staring at him, she warned herself knowing how foolish he would find her thoughts. He was her boss, and that's where she was determined to make it end.
“Make me glad I did it,” he gave a small nod and shut the door. She needed to leave now. There was no way he would allow himself to take from her what he desired. His employees were under his protection. As she drove off he was torn between relief, and a need for something he refused to name.
The strange feelings he made her feel lifted as she made her way back home. It was really odd because she was happy about not having to worry about getting kicked out of her apartment, but there was also this feeling that she'd escaped some horrible fate. Turning on the radio, she shook off the feeling and decided that this was New Orleans, things were always different here.
Walking into her small, dingy flat she was happy that even this place seemed a little brighter tonight. She took a quick shower and found herself singing. If she made enough money at the club, she could afford a small flat somewhere else. That was enough to keep her spirits high. Perhaps even a place with her own little living room and a view besides looking over the trashcans outside, she thought to herself with a grin.
Her frame of mind was greatly improved from early this afternoon. Stepping out of the shower she dried off quickly and did her bedtime ritual of brushing her hair and teeth, and scrubbing her face. Pulling on a t-shirt and pair of girly boxer shorts she found her bed. She fell asleep quickly and the loud music and traffic for once didn't disturb her sleep at all.
3 Tears of crimson
She awoke the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. Knowing there were a few things to take care of before starting her new job tonight, she climbed out of bed. Pulling on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and her most comfortable sandals, she quickly gave in to mother nature before getting started. That little duty done, she bagged up her dirty clothes and headed to the end of the block, where the laundry mat was. The place was really run down, but the people there were always nice and minded their own business. Cara caught up on the morning news while she washed her load of clothes then dried them.
After dropping off her clothes off back in her room, she decided to treat herself to a trip to the world famous coffee shop here. It was one of her favorite places and she couldn't help but take a deep breath and enjoy the aroma. The line was around the corner but even the wait didn’t aggravate her today. The smell of fresh coffee and beignets were always worth the wait, in her opinion.
When she finally made it to the counter, she ordered her treats and sat down in a small booth. Cara savored her coffee, not in a hurry to go back home. Grinning, she swiped away the powdered sugar that covered her shirt from the beignet. Looking around the overly crowded shop it still amazed her how many people filled this town even in what was supposed to be the off season. Stalling as long as she could, she reluctantly got up and decided to take a walk around.
Bourbon Street was still so exciting to her even after the six months she'd been here. To her it seemed like most of the street performers in the world had shown up here just to put on a show for the crowds. The streets never seemed to sleep, so no matter what time of day or night people showed up, there were folks around. Wasting time, she stopped in several stores just glancing around hoping that soon she'd be able to buy some of the things she admired but couldn’t afford. After several more stops her feet were growing tired, and she decided a nap would probably be smart before work tonight. Walking back to her room, she laid down and almost instantly fell into a strange, deep sleep.
Her dreams were clouded with Tears of Crimson and Rafe. In her dream she was a completely different person. Dressed in a black velvet dress that fell to her feet, her face was pale and her lips painted deep red. Rafe arrived and began kissing her passionately. When his fangs slid into her neck, she woke up panting. It took her several long minutes to catch her breath. The dream had been highly erotic and terrifying at the same time. She had erotic dreams before, at twenty one and still a virgin, she felt that was pretty normal. This dream had felt real though.
Mentally she tried not to over think the fact that she was still a virgin. It wasn't as if men hadn't attempted to change her mind, she just hadn't met the man she felt worthy enough to share that gift with yet. Her granny had put the thought into her head since she was old enough to talk that making love was something you only did once you were married. Cara wasn't sure she would wait that long, but she felt it was only right to really be in love first. She had learned long ago to keep the status of her sexuality to herse
lf. Most people thought it was old-fashioned to hold out for love.
She remembered vividly the last time she had made the mistake of mentioning her untouched status to a so-called friend. Needless to say they were no longer friends after she called her a good two shoes, and laughed at her for holding out so long. Honestly she just didn't get what the fascination was with sex anyway. Until recently, and she wasn't willing to think about her new boss that much, she had never met a guy that could make her even consider taking the walk down that road. Not liking where her thoughts were heading, she decided to get ready for work and stop fantasizing about things that just weren't going to happen.
She pulled out the bag that Rafe gave her last night and took out the clothes. Grabbing an ironing board and iron from her closet, she set it up and began ironing. She hoped the mundane task would keep her mind off things that would only get in her in trouble. It really wasn't working, because as she ironed the uniforms she couldn't help but wonder what Rafe would think about her in these clothes.
Frustrated at her own mindset she hung up her work attire and decided a long shower might get her mind going in the right direction. She washed her hair, shaved her legs, and refused to think about how it would feel if his hands touched her body instead of her own. Definitely not one of her better ideas, she thought as her mind gave her a visual image of just how enjoyable that would be. It was definitely time to start thinking about dating, she shook her head and sighed before turning off the water.