Whore Page 2
Fighting back tears, I refused to cry over her treachery again instead I took a deep breath. All I wanted was to put her and the insane past behind me for good. If only every time I attempted to do that my feet weren’t kicked out from under me I might have a shot at normalcy.
Positives. That’s what I kept telling myself to look toward. I was going to work with Ross Industries. After the offer I’d researched the company and was amazed at the legacy Lenny had left behind. A fortune 500 company worth billions. Obviously the driver Mr. Ross employed was not working for a rental company.
I hadn’t heard from him since I visited the human resources department for his company last week. I’d finished all the necessary paperwork and pre-employment screenings that day and worried the entire time that I was in over my head. The building was huge and if it hadn’t been for the personal escort by one of the staff I’d have easily gotten lost.
Discovering I would be working as his personal assistant almost made me reconsider taking the job. I couldn’t imagine working in that building at all much less in a position that I assumed was sought after. I was a server at a coffee shop, and felt I didn’t have the experience that working for him required.
If I wanted a way out from the mess my life was becoming, his offer was the best chance I could get. The salary listed on my paperwork was mind blowing. Three times the minimum wage I was earning at the coffee shop. It didn’t matter that I had no idea how to be a personal assistant, for the wages he was paying I’d learn.
I was meeting him today to go over my duties and then I’d start looking for a new place to live. I could only pray this would be the positive change I needed to get my life headed in the right direction. Staring back at my reflection in the mirror, I hoped the church dress I was wearing was appropriate for the position.
Refusing to allow my mind to dwell on the negatives, I pulled my shoulders back and stood up to my full five foot four inch height. Giving my reflection a pep talk for confidence, I smoothed a stray curl away from my face and secured the wayward blonde strands back into a clip.
I wasn’t big on makeup but I needed to look mature enough to play the role of Taylor Ross’s personal assistant. Without the cover up I looked like a girl still in high school. Refreshing the bright red lipstick I thought the dark hues made me appear older. Fighting back a wave of nerves I quickly turned away from my image and retrieved my purse. I was going to make this work.
I’d almost convinced myself of that on the bus ride downtown. Chicago was insanely busy during rush hour and the crowd surrounding me forced me to focus on them instead of my own feelings of inadequacy. The confidence lasted until I was waiting in his office for him to finish a phone conversation.
Everything about the man bespoke power. Not just the physical kind, even though his towering presence definitely was proof of that. It was more about the way he demanded things instead of asked for them. Such confidence was overwhelming to witness and I could only hope someday I had that ability.
The entire time he talked on the phone I reminded myself that he was my lifeline at the moment. I’d given up my job at the coffee shop and if this didn’t work out I was screwed. Wanting to please him wasn’t just a passing thought, it was a necessity. I didn’t feel qualified to be here but I was going to do my best to not disappoint.
“Forgive me for the interruption.” He hung up the receiver and sat back in his imposing office chair, his arms crossing over his wide chest.
Not a hair was out of place, and I self-consciously lifted a hand to my own to make sure a curl hadn’t slipped loose. I started second guessing everything about my appearance because he was just so perfect that I felt inferior.
His eyes were filled with some unfathomable emotion as he looked into mine and I wished I knew what he was thinking. He continued to stare and I fidgeted nervously in my chair. “So. Um. We were going to discuss my duties?”
A small smirk appeared on his face and he gave a brief nod of his head. “Whatever shall I do with you, Miss Burns?” He leaned forward in his chair and large hands splayed over the desk. “For now I will just have you at my beck at call. If I need something I’ll explain it and if you have a problem you’ll let me know.”
His words confused me. I wasn’t sure how to do a job that didn’t have guidelines. “So I just sit here with you until you tell me what you need?” The idea of staring at him all day wasn’t a horrible one, but he was paying me a huge salary to do nothing?
“As intriguing as that idea is I’m sure you’d find it tedious. For now we’ll start with getting you a wardrobe that is more befitting your position. I’ll have my secretary give you an expense account and then we’ll discuss my travel agenda for the next month.”
I felt insecure when he commented on my appearance and hoped the embarrassment didn’t show on my face. “So scheduling your travels will be part of my job?” I wasn’t about to mention the clothing. I had no idea how to dress or what he expected.
“I think we can begin there but you’ll be accompanying me on any trips I take.” He rested his elbow on the table and placed a finger to his lips, seeming to contemplate. “On second thought I believe I’ll take a personal interest in your wardrobe.” He pushed a button on his intercom system and told his secretary to clear his schedule for the day.
I was floored. He was taking me shopping? I obviously didn’t know how to dress like a corporate executive but the thought of spending time alone with Mr. Ross as he made such intimate decisions? That was nerve wracking. “I’m sure you have much better things to do.”
“Your appearance will be a direct reflection on my company, so I am making this a priority.” He stood and allowed his gaze to roam over me again.
I bit my lip, stood up and wished the man didn’t make me feel so nervous. Granted the dress I was wearing was two years old and came from a bargain store, but the idea of him taking a personal interest seemed a little, well too personal. “If you’ll tell me where you shop I’m sure I can take care of this on my own.”
“Until you know more about what you’ll do here at Ross Industries, I’m afraid you can’t understand what is expected of you as an employee. Most of the companies we take over don’t happen in a board room. Social functions prove a much better venue in discovering the true nature of an owners’ interests.”
He expected me to help him social functions? Unless you counted a party on the local college campus, I had no experience in this area. “What exactly does your personal assistant do at these functions?”
“You’re a beautiful young woman and attending these events with me will distract my contacts from my true motives.” He shrugged his shoulder and I fought not to allow my mouth to hang open.
I don’t know what I expected him say but I was floored by his response. “So basically you think I’d be eye-candy?” The fact that he thought I was pretty enough shouldn’t have given me the thrill it did. I should be mortified by what he was proposing.
“I’m glad you understand reality Miss Burns.” The smirk on his face was condescending. “With you by my side I will be given an edge and I’ll reward you nicely for any contracts acquired.”
Part of me wanted to throw his job back in his face, but the realistic side knew that I needed this job. I could probably get the job back at the coffee house but I’d never earn the money I needed making minimum wage. I was going to work for him, but only if my terms were met.
“I’ll agree to this as long as you understand that it’s only for show. When we leave these events, you and I are still employee and boss.” I was stunned that he would hire someone for this position and also offended. Offended didn’t pay my bills though.
“I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but this is all business. Rest assured your charms,” he paused for a moment to glance over me again, “while perfect for what I have in mind, will only be required for the job.”
My face heated at his comment and I understood perfectly. I would do for the illusion he wanted
to give for his clients, but he had no personal interest in me. I told myself I was glad he didn’t find me attractive in that way. “As long as we’re clear.”
“Perfectly. Now let’s go turn you into a woman that will turn heads when she enters the room.” He motioned with his hand toward the door and I didn’t waste time in making my way to it.
chapter three
Dress Down
Shopping with Taylor was humbling. He demanded that I model each outfit for him and his eyes devoured my appearance with critique. After trying on dozens of choices my mood was bordering on rage and I wondered if what he was doing could be classified as sexual harassment.
Comments about how certain outfits didn’t enhance my bust line or made my legs look shorter than what they were, couldn’t be considered professional etiquette. By the time he was finally satisfied I was clenching my hands into fists by my sides.
He wasn’t finished after the clothing because he led me to the lingerie department next. Blushing furiously, I watched him study several skimpy pieces and my patience reached its limit. “I am not showing off my under garments to your clients Mr. Ross. Why should I be fitted for such items?” Gritting my teeth I bit the words off trying to control my temper.
He rolled his eyes and motioned to a store clerk instead of answering my question. “Would you say that what’s underneath an outfit matters as much as what’s worn over it?”
“I would. Certain items need different lingerie to keep the lines fluid.” The clerk smiled and seemed to be flirting with Mr. Ross. I glared at them both.
“My associate has a dozen different outfits that need the right lingerie to accompany them. Would you mind helping her choose? I’m sure your experience in this area is more proficient than my own.” He smiled at her and grinned cockily at me.
The woman gushed over how much pleasure she would take in dressing me. It was almost nauseating how sweet her voice has turned. Instead of arguing with him like I wanted, I decided to ignore him completely. If he wanted to waste money on such frivolities, far be it for me to stop him.
I spent another hour in that department before we moved on to shoes. I had no idea how I was going to wear three inch heels and not bust my ass. I wasn’t the most graceful person to begin with, so putting me in them was a disaster waiting to happen.
Taylor seemed amused as I paraded the different shoes for his viewing pleasure and chuckled deeply as I almost tripped over my own feet more than once. “I assume Grace is not your middle name.”
“Obviously gentleman isn’t yours.” Sitting in the leather chair I chunked the last pair of heels back in a box before glaring at him. I didn’t care if he was my boss at the moment. Allowing him to humiliate me wasn’t part of the job description.
“I don’t get paid to spare your feelings. You’ll need to practice walking in the heels during your spare time.” He waved the assistant over and informed him we’d take all eight pairs.
I’d never owned that many shoes in my life. The bills he was racking up on my wardrobe were phenomenal and my irritated feelings eased. “Is all this really necessary?” I was sure the words sounded accusing but I really didn’t understand how someone could waste so much money on clothes.
“Image is everything Miss Burns. A lesson you would do well to remember. The only thing that inspires more confidence is attitude. If you dress the part and prove to your opponents that you have the wit to outsmart them, winning any argument becomes easier.”
I couldn’t argue with his logic even as cold-blooded as it sounded. Honesty had always been my goal, that and taking an interest in the people I spoke with. We couldn’t be more different. “If you say so.”
“I do and if you want to be successful in this job you’ll learn to play by my rules.” He pulled out his cell phone, contacted his driver and gave implicit instructions on picking up his purchases. “We have one more stop and then we can call it a day.”
While most women might have enjoyed the shopping spree, I was exhausted. I still had to go apartment hunting and at this rate my feet were going to be screaming in denial. “What other torture do you have planned for the day?” I didn’t mean to sound frustrated, but I really did need a break.
“We must work on your attitude.” He shook his head and took off in long strides out of the shoe department. I raced to keep up with him, my shorter stature making it difficult. By the time we reached the car I was out of breath.
“For someone so young, you are tiring out quickly. How many days a week are you exercising?” He seemed amused as he turned his gaze my way after we were seated.
“I don’t see how that’s part of my job description.” I had been slacking on my runs for the last month, but in my defense I had other things to worry about.
“You look very fit, but a good workout keeps your heart and body in optimal health.” He rolled down the partition window between us and the driver and gave our destination.
He was taking me to a spa? I’d never been to one before but from what I’d seen and read it was a relaxing experience. “I use to run at least a few miles three times a week but I’ve had other concerns lately.” I wasn’t sure why I confided that piece of information since it really wasn’t any of his business.
“We have a gym at the office, there’s also a track. If you’re going to keep up with my hectic schedule you need to be in top physical form. For now we’ll consider that one of your duties. I expect you to work out at least thirty minutes a day during the week.”
At first I wanted to call him a pompous ass for his demand, then I reconsidered. If he wanted to pay me to work out then why argue. It was something I enjoyed and I had been neglecting my runs lately.
The car pulled up in front of an elegant hotel and for a moment my heart skipped a beat. “Why are we here?” It was crazy to think that he was bringing me here for something not involving business, but it still crossed my mind.
He smirked as he stepped out of the car. “The spa is inside. Believe me I don’t have designs on your person, Miss Burns.”
Sliding out, I thanked the driver for holding the door and fought to hold back my embarrassment. Of course the spa was inside, why else would we be here? Instead of sticking my foot in my mouth again I followed meekly behind him.
He spoke to the woman at the counter explaining he wanted a makeup consultation, manicure and pedicure as well. The woman glanced over at me with a warm smile and invited me back. During the next two hours I was pampered like a queen and even knowing he’d arranged this, I couldn’t help falling in love with the services.
I joined him back in the waiting area feeling calmer than I had since we left this morning. I had a bag full of products from my makeover and even enjoyed learning how to apply them. “Thank you for the experience. I’ve never visited a spa before.”
He seemed confused by my response but nodded his head curtly. “My mother can barely go a week without visiting.” He smiled and it nearly made my knees buckle. It was the first time I’d seen him drop his cocky attitude.
“Your father said she enjoyed being pampered.” I remembered how Lenny’s eyes would light up when he talked about his wife. I’d told myself that one day I’d find a man who loved me that much.
“She deserved to be indulged.” The resentment in his tone was shocking. I wasn’t sure what I’d said that changed his attitude but he left me no time to question. With long strides of his legs he walked toward the exit and I was almost running to keep up again.
We didn’t speak during our drive back to the building and the tension was overwhelming. All I wanted was to escape the hostile vibe he was putting off. “Will you be needing me for anything else today?”
“Already trying to shirk your duties?” His voice was mocking and he raised an eyebrow as he looked at me for the first time since we’d gotten in the car.
“Of course not. I just need to go apartment hunting and thought if we were finished I’d get started.” I had no idea why he displayed such hostility t
oward me, maybe it was just his nature.
“I wasn’t aware you needed a place to live. How soon were you looking to move in?” He seemed almost concerned now and his attitude flipping back and forth was giving me a headache.
“I have thirty days to vacate the house I’m living in, so as soon as possible.” I needed to learn to bite my tongue, the way I made that sound was I was being evicted. I decided to clarify. “My mother sold our house after her move to Vegas.”
“Not much notice?” His blue eyes bore into mine almost seeming to study them for a response.
I tried to shrug casually, as if it didn’t bother me as much as it did being forced out of my residence. “She’s getting married again so I guess it just slipped her mind that I might have trouble finding a new place.”
“I’m sure my father mentioned that we own a complex downtown.” He seemed to be mocking me again and I wondered what joke I was missing.
“He might have but we really didn’t talk about things like that.” The ire that took over his face made me wish the car wasn’t moving. I wondered again if working with this man was worth the pay. His moods were a little difficult to put up with and this was only my first real day in his employment.
“I’m sure he had much better things to discuss.” With a cool gaze at me he rolled down the drivers’ partition. “A change of plans take us to the condos.” Turning back to me he glared. “I’m sure this property will be to your liking.”
“Mr. Ross I appreciate the offer, but I don’t think I can afford a condo.” This man was a complete contradiction. One moment he was looking at me with daggers in his eyes, the next he was trying to help me out. I was more than a little confused.